Vegan Diet: No.1 Complete Guide to Weight Loss
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Vegan Diet: No.1 Complete Guide to Weight Loss. Are you thinking about a vegan diet plan? Here’s all the information you need to know before adopting a new and most effective diet plan.
More and more people are turning their lives with a vegan diet. The reasons? The care of health, the environment, and its ethics.
Diets do not always aim to lose weight. Although the term is closely related to the philosophy of the human body, a particular regime can also be adopted for ethical reasoning. This is what happens with the vegan diet.
It is vegan when they stop consuming all products of animal origin. This also means stop dressing clothes that come from their exploitation and use objects for which life was sacrificed.
In this way, it is not only possible to reach veganism with a food diet, but with a total change in behaviors that range from everything consumed, to everyday habits.
However, food is what gets all the attention on this issue, since while some people understand that it is healthier, others point out the problem of not having a nutritional education before starting diets of this type. For this reason, we will analyze this point in detail.
The Advantage and Disadvantage of the Vegan Diet
This type of food suppresses several products that are normally consumed, for example; meat, dairy, and eggs, that is, everything that comes from animals.
It is considered that vegan food is not only ideal for losing weight, but also to avoid frequent diseases related to the quality and ingredients of products containing fats, sugar, and preservatives, among other chemicals, with which their characteristics are altered.
Advantage of Vegan Diet Plan
Low diabetes rate:
Regulate the intake of fats and sugars.
Lower risk of getting cardiovascular diseases:
Vegetables provide the body with antioxidant substances (Vitamins C and E, beta carotene, and polyphenols) necessary to prevent blockage of blood vessels.
Reduces the possibility of cancer formation
According to the Adventist Health Study, vegans have a 16% lower chance of cancer formation. Of which women have 34% less potential. This is due to the control of body mass, the antioxidant substances that they ingest with vegetables, and the non-consumption of processed red meat.
Better transformation of food into energy
This process, which happens through the consumption of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), is enhanced by the intake of sprouted cereals, such as legumes, nuts, mushrooms, or nuts.
However, we have not yet explored the cons.
Knowing the negative points of vegan food opens the possibility of learning to lead an even healthier diet where the shortage of some substances with other types of foods that we possibly know are leveled, without knowing what the nutrients we get from them.
The disadvantage of Vegan Diet Plan
High homocysteine ​​levels
Those who started a vegan diet usually suppress foods such as fish, which provide the body with vitamin B12 and Omega-3, thereby raising homocysteine and exposing them to cardiovascular disease. This can be reversed with the consumption of flax oil, nuts, chia, and hemp seeds.
Vitamin deficiency in general
Milk, eggs, and even red meat contain nutrients. When you stop using them, you must complement the contribution they made through other foods. Vitamin B12 intake is of particular importance. Since it is very difficult to obtain from a vegetable source, supplements should be used. In the case of pregnant women, infants, and children, it is essential to consult a doctor to evaluate the best way to incorporate B12.
Lack of calcium
It is believed that calcium enters the body only with the consumption of cow’s milk, but vegans can replace it with other foods. Even so, they usually consume less calcium than the recommended daily intake. However, this is mainly due to misinformation. The recommended foods as sources of calcium are green vegetables, nuts, soybeans, and tofu.
Moderate Iron Consumption
It is often said that the vegan does not consume the correct amount of iron, which is not the same as the recommended daily serving. This difference clears the fault attributed to veganism because many vegetables that offer a prescribed amount of iron can be consumed and with excess iron increase the chances of getting cancer from the colon, type 2 diabetes, or other conditions.
The variables of vegan diets
Under the name of different veganism, variants are included that are differentiated by the foods that are consumed. Do you already know what kind of vegan you want to be?
This diet is based on the intake of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains, and seeds.
Don’t be scared. Not everything has to be eaten raw, only fruits. On the other hand, vegetables, seeds, and nuts can be cooked at less than 48 ° C.
Here the protagonists are raw fruits and nothing green.
In this diet, raw fruits are removed and replaced by cooked starches such as potatoes, rice, and corn.
In this case, you can consume raw food until 4 pm. and plants cooked for dinner.
Why don’t vegans get hungry?
Every person who makes a diet to lose weight begins the process, knowing that their stomach will make noise for a while until they get used to it. However, it is not what happens with a conscious vegan. You know why?
First of all, you should know that a conscious vegan is one who takes this diet responsibly, assuming that he must replace some foods with others that offer similar properties or nutrients.
Here is the reason why vegans don’t go hungry. Plain and simple, they are eating the same as omnivores but being aware of the portions and ingredients they consume.
A reason that vegans are not overweight, even if they eat until full, is that their diet is reduced in calories, but supplemented with dietary fiber that produces the feeling of satiety.
But to know what type of food a vegan consumes and how it is taken to a healthy diet, it is necessary to get into the kitchen and take note of some recipes.
What Can Vegans Eat?
We list some food for you to incorporate into your recipe and have ready to create the most vibrant and most varied dishes.
- Seitan, tofu, and tempeh are good alternatives to meat and eggs.
- Legumes are excellent suppliers of nutrients. You have to learn to ferment and cook them the right way.
- Nuts can become an enriching source of iron, fiber, zinc, selenium, vitamin E, and magnesium. Of course, you should not toast or bleach them.
- Hemp, chia, and flax seeds provide omega-3 fatty acids.
- Algae, such as spirulina and chlorella, offer iodine, among other nutrients.
- Grains and cereals provide complex carbohydrates, vitamin B, iron, and fiber.
- Germinated vegetables contain probiotics and vitamin K2 that, when sprouted and fermented, help with mineral absorption. These vegetables are pickles, kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut, etc.
- Leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, watercress, bok choy, and others, provide iron and calcium.
We have said that the vegan diet eliminates all animal feed, or that contains animal derivatives, for example:
- Meats: here, lamb, pork, horse, chicken, turkey, duck, quail, etc.
- Fish: all, including shellfish, squid, shrimp, anchovies, scallops, mussels, lobsters, etc.
- Dairy products: milk, yogurt, cheese, butter, ice cream, cream, etc.
- Eggs: ostrich, fish, chickens, and quail.
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Follow this Vegan Diet: No. 1 Complete Guide To Weight Loss Fast, then I assure you here that you will lose your weight significantly faster than any other weight loss plan. I also suggest to you all that you should do physical exercise including these diet plans then you will get the result within a few days.
Thank you.